Bridges & Roadways
Navigating the road to infrastructure rehab can be complex. As an engineer or contractor, you know that crumbling infrastructure is a problem facing virtually every city and municipality around the world. Associated costs stand in the trillions of dollars. Combat Concrete’s solutions are designed to restore the strength of deteriorated and compromised structures, including bridges, tunnels, roadways, drainage ditches and culverts, while providing a cost-effective option to replacement. Many of these solutions are designed to rehabilitate structures that are difficult to access or with limited heavy machinery, which consequently lessens traffic disruption in busy areas. Less material and simple installation means accelerated project completion and reduced costs, easing the strain on limited infrastructure budgets. Combat Concrete Solutions delivers smart, practical, innovative solutions designed to meet the specific needs of the market.
The material that makes these structures so durable is a flexible, concrete impregnated GCCM (Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat) that hardens when hydrated to form a thin, durable, water proof and fire resistant concrete layer. The material allows concrete construction without the need for plant or mixing equipment. Simply position the concrete impregnated GCCM (Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat) and just add water.

Below are additional applications of Combat Concrete.